Frequently Asked Questions About Gamma Knife

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Gamma Knife treatment is performed in many countries, but every year, hundreds of patients from all around the world choose Prof. Dr. Türker Kılıç due to his experience in his area of speciality.

The fact that the treatment is done in a single session, the possibility of being discharged on the same day, and the option to have follow-up appointments online make it an ideal treatment for medical tourism.

The Gamma Knife treatment, which is becoming increasingly widespread in Turkey, is available in a few hospitals, primarily BAU Medical Park Göztepe. Prof. Dr. Türker Kılıç, who brought Gamma Knife treatment to Turkey and has the most patient treatment experience, performs treatments at the BAU Medical Park Göztepe campus in Istanbul.

As a single-session treatment with the possibility for patients to be discharged on the same day, patients from all over the world can be treated here.

Over 1 million patients worldwide and nearly 11,000 patients have been treated with the Gamma Knife by Prof. Dr. Türker Kılıç. The safety of Gamma Knife management has been proven with hundreds of scientific articles and papers.

The death risk in Gamma Knife application is less than one in a hundred thousand (>%0.001), and the unexpected damage risk is below 1% in safe hands. This demonstrates a treatment success rate of over 99%, which surpasses other treatment alternatives.

Following the procedure, there can be temporary swellings in the tumor tissue or normal tissue due to radiation. These swellings can be treated with medication and do not cause permanent damage.

Gamma Knife treatment, which is much safer compared to traditional radiation treatments, applies radiation beams with 0.2mm precision only to the treatment area. It offers a higher chance of success compared to both surgical and radiographic treatments. After treatment, a very low percentage of patients may experience brief dizziness or loss of sensation, but these symptoms can be corrected with medication.

During the attachment of the Stereotactic frame required for treatment, the patient may feel a squeezing sensation on their head, but this feeling disappears within 3-5 minutes. The patient just feels as if they are wearing a heavy hat. It is not possible to see or feel the radiation beams during the treatment.

The period it takes for the treatment to take effect can vary for each patient. The effect of Gamma Knife can be observed between 3-12 months after application. Patients should come in for control visits at intervals suggested by their doctor.

You can return to your normal social and work life a day after radiation surgery. You can be discharged on the same day after a day’s stay in the hospital. A large proportion of patients return to their countries the day after their treatment.

Patients are not put to sleep during the treatment. If the patient is overly anxious about the process, a sedative may be administered. During radiation surgery, the patient is monitored and communication is maintained through a microphone.

With Gamma Knife, benign brain tumors (meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, acoustic neuromas, etc.) and malignant brain tumors (brain metastases, glial tumors, etc.) can be treated. The Gamma Knife method is also used for vascular brain diseases (arteriovenous malformations and cavernomas) and functional brain diseases (trigeminal neuralgia, etc.) aside from brain tumors.

Inform your doctor about any medications you take regularly. Information on whether you can take these drugs before treatment will be shared with you. You are asked to wash your hair and head with shampoo a day before or on the day of radiation surgery. Come to the hospital wearing comfortable clothes. Ensure that your clothes do not have metal zippers or buttons.

Do not wear jewelry or watches. Your pockets should be empty before the treatment and you should not have electronic devices like credit cards or cell phones on you during the treatment.

It is recommended that you have a light breakfast on the morning of treatment.

No. It is not necessary to shave the patient’s hair. Hair does not affect or get affected by the treatment procedure.

No. Hair loss does not occur due to the treatment.

For patients at high risk for side effects from surgery due to advanced age, Gamma Knife radiation surgery is used. Gamma Knife treatment can also be used for patients who are at risk from general anesthesia.

Gamma Knife is a single-session treatment method and it shows its effect within a certain period. First, it should be noted that the effect will be seen after some time.

During this process, the progress of the treatment is monitored and closely observed. In rare cases, treatments that need to be repeated may be identified, and in this case, an extra treatment session can be planned.

You can fill out the consultation form directly to make an appointment with Prof. Dr. Türker Kılıç.

Once you provide the patient’s name and contact phone number, your information will be forwarded to the assistants in the treatment unit and you will be called as soon as possible to schedule your appointment.

Have additional questions? You can contact our consultants to get direct help.

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